
Subjects Covered



Before attempting algebra one needs proficiency in the four basic operations: +, -, x and ÷ . Proficiency includes learning the multiplication tables up to 20, not merely 10. BTW: there is no longer such a thing as New Math. New Math died an ignominious death decades ago.



Algebra is a symbolic language relating to numbers. Algebra is not magic. Proficiency in arithmatic is a determining factor in success in algebra. If one struggles to multiple two two-digit numbers less than 20, competing with those who can is difficult.



Trig is the study of lines and curves using principles learned and skills developed in geometry and algebra.



As the name suggests Pre-C is the precursor for studying the mathmatics of change. Pre-C combines all the aforementioned topics with an introduction to calculus.



The study of change is a bridge that crosses over a chasm, a bridge to the world of STEM, finance, economics and many other rewarding vocations. An introduction to calculus is core college prep. material.


Study skills

Pen versus pencil; white lined composition paper versus graph paper; pencil eraser versus pink hand-held eraser; 7mm lead versus 5mm: do such choices impact one’s success in the competitive classroom? Yes!! They do! Also, when operating an electronic calculator, use the hand with which you DO NOT write. This saves time.

Success in the classroom is transported to the everyday environment.

Ever notice how children who are proficient in math are equally proficient in other skills? Ever notice how proficient students exhibit confidence? Which came first: confidence or proficiency?

As a parent or grandparent you are key

Ever find your child crying over math – and you could not help? Well, you can! Contact freemathtutor101. Just email me at [email protected], and I’ll send you my phone number.

Frequently Asked Questions

In what subjects do you tutor?

6th through 12th grade math: college prep. courses.

What is the difference between tutoring and teaching?

Tutoring helps the individual develop the skills to proceed on his or her own. Teaching concentrates on a collection of students.

How can I schedule a tutoring session?

You can call or write.

What are the payment options for tutoring services?

Tutoring at Freemathtutor101 is free. Yes, free! The payment is you and/or your child’s time.

What should I bring to my tutoring session?

A willing mind and a work ethic: progress in music, sports, dance, etc. are not made without effort in the form of practice. Textbook: if you have no text, there exist useful books in your local library. We can pick one to suit your situation. Materials: bring no. 7 wooden or mechanical pencils.

Freemathtutor101 is free. No cash changes hand. There is no cart. There is no checkout. There is no form to complete, no UserName, no PassWord. Just write me an email. My reward is your or your child’s success. You must be seventeen or older or you must provide me with your guardian’s permission.